Cut-off fire dampers in explosion proof making are designed for installation in ventilation systems as cut-off partitions separating the fire zone from the remaining part of the building. The equipment is certified as per directive ATEX 94/9/EC as group II category 2G and -/2D devices designed for use in explosion hazard zones 1 (gases inside and outside of ventilation ducts) and zone 21 (dust outside of ventilation ducts).
The dampers have appropriate approvals issued by the Main Mining Institute, "Barbara" Experimental Mine (AC038) ref. KDB ATEX 17.0616 and EU Declaration of Conformity 001-01-2017.
The cut-off dampers with approval for operation in explosion hazard zones include:
Dampers bearing the ATEX marking:
II 2G Ex h IIC T6 Gb
II -/2D Ex h IIIC T72˚ -/Db
Ambient temperature: at: -20˚÷ +50˚C
Fire efficiency of the dampers is confirmed by independent tests conducted according to European standards, according to which the equipment is marked with CE sign and approved for trade.
Detailed technical specification for the dampers are included in product tabs and the technical catalogue.
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